I am an inventor / fabricator. I make My living creating cool things that should exist, but do not. I am a consummate maker.
I work out of a 4000 sq. ft. shop on My farm in North Georgia, USA.
My shop consists of:
Hardinge DV-59 lathe
Chinese Mini-Lathe
Wilton 72" belt sander
Tiger Stop CNC Chop saw
36x36" sandblaster
48"x48"x72" Powder coating oven
Kool Koat 3.0 DPW Powder Coating system
8ft. x 5ft paint booth
5ft x 10ft 1.5kw fiber metal laser with 3 meter Tube rotary
5ft x 10ft CNC router with 10 tool changer, and vacuum table
5ft x 10 ft 150 watt CO2 laser
4ft x 4 ft Vacuum forming machine
Baileigh 63" 33 ton CNC Press Brake
36" Wide Belt sander (wet)
8 Prusa Mk3s+ 3d Printer
2 railcoreII core xy 3d Printer
500 x 500mm Custom built Core XY 3d printer
Ender 3 3d Printer
Tronxy Core XY 400mm 3d Printer
2 wanhao Maker select 3d printer
Folgertech ft-5 3d Printer
Elegoo Mars resin 3d printer
Mosaic Palette 2 4 color 3d print engine
20 watt Fiber laser Galvo engraver
50 watt Blue diode laser table 24" x 24"
Hypertherm 45xp equipped CNC Plasma cutter
Everlast Multi-process (Tig / Stick / Plasma) welder (Argon / Compressed air)
YesWelder 250 amp Mig/Tig/Stick welder (argon / CO2)
Lincoln Power Pak Mig welder (flux)
CNC Mini Mill with 2.5 KW spindle.
Assorted hand tools and power tools.
I am a master of none of them. I learn on a daily basis, discovering new techniques as I need them. I always bite off More than I can chew, and rarely think things through before starting a project.
I’m obsessed with Metal fabrication, Arduino / Raspberry Pi, Robotics, and anything involving RGB addressable LEDS.
My most notable creations have been Homemade video wall, Remote controlled riding mower, Remote controlled Photobooth robot, CNC Toolchanger system, driveable DJ Booth, battery powered 360 degree camera rig for shooting “matrix effect”, Bluetooth Coffin speaker, Cassette coffee table with Dayton exciter bluetooth sound.
I’m also huge into solar power, and lithium battery pack making.