Grip Head

Some shots of a commonly used piece of film grip gear I modelled.


Great work :star_struck:. To be curious, what is it? And for what it is used for ?

Thank you. It’s a key piece of grip equipment used in film and tv production. It’s essentially a link between a fixed point and any one of literally hundreds of different elements used to shape light or hold other film equipment. I’ll be posting more here that will show some examples of it in use, but it’s also called a Gobo head if you want to look it up.

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it´s great grip.
is there anywhere to download/buy model?

Sure you can have a copy of the model, what format do you want it in?

obj will be great =D, thank you very much

Grip head for (10.2 MB)

Could I ask you one more time for some cad format? I tried to close the holes to insert the nuts but I have a problem with the obj
Thank you very much again.