Unfold or flatten

Unfold face’s / 3d objects

Would lead to a precise idea of the amount needed to produce a part that has folds or bends

Expected integration from design and production departments on our company. No need of others softwares to do the entire workflow.

Impossible to get straight direct conection between design and production te department

Restrains number of licenças and more vast usage of the software In the company.


That would be like UV layout. I take my projects into ZBrush for that.

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Also missing for me, can you just add in 2d drafting module to make unfolded view of 3d model for manufacturing but only in 2d module not in 3d view.

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Honestly, if they would move from triangles to quadrangles it would help out tremendously.

I can unfold an object (it’s really not that hard to do). But modern-day usage is quadrangles, not triangles (for precisely the reason I stated — quads are WAY easier to unfold than triangles).

Being able to create flat patterns from modelled 3d designs would be a massive advantage for me. I currently have to export to a different machine to do this before sending for laser profiling and bending.