Shortly after receiving a new Prusa XL printer I completed a project to make a completely 3D printed shirt. The design was done in Shapr3D, consisting of almost 5000 objects. The shirt is composed of 1600 hexagons held together by 3200 connecting rings that are “printed in place” within the structure of the front hexagons. The whole thing was printed in 10 panels that are manually connected together with snap together pieces and flexible “dog bones”.
This is so cool I saw you shared the design under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license on Printables. Have you considered sharing the .shapr file as well to make remixes easier?
Total print time was about 30 hours. The Prusa XL can extrude 18 cubic mm/sec with a 0.6mm nozzle with PETG (the movement speed of the printer doesn’t really matter - it can do 400mm/sec - it’s the extrusion rate that determines the print time).