5.790 - Basic expressions

Your are correct I don’t use Imperial Dimensions, a quick suggestion at the time while reading the Help Center.

I whole heartedly agree with SLomas. I use imperial almost exclusively as I am dealing with structural drawings from the 1920’s-50’s and have to work with that system.
I’m sure the new system helps lots of folks but why make everyone suffer such a major shift in inputting your data without the option to use either or. I don’t need a calculator with every line I draw, I need a simple input. Seriously!

Update: I just tried it again. I use the iPad. I can’t use the new keypad now because you guys took away the / for fractions.

So now I have to draw my line with my pencil, tap the dimension with my pencil, put down my pencil to tap the keyboard icon, tap the numbers icon on my iPad keyboard, then input my fraction manually with my fingers, press enter then pick up my pencil again to continue. Rinse and repeat.
All this took very few taps with my pencil to perform yesterday! What were you guys thinking??


Okay, I feel so much better now, because I thought there was something very wrong with me. I would love to use the metric system in the furniture design work I do, but, today, I am in the imperial world, and before the update, it was so easy to enter 5 3/16 as a measurement. Today, it seems so much more work.


Great addition! Pun intended.

How do I enter imperial measurements with fractions?

You have to enter 8+1/2 to get 8 1/2"
See video.
Feet and Inches does not work.

Yeah, this is an incredibly frustrating change for me as someone who works almost exclusively in imperial. My work is taking much longer compared to when I could just type in the dimensions, and I don’t know if this program is going to serve me in the way it has (wonderfully!) for the past 3 years, and I might have to look for something else.


This is a welcome improvement. I see you can type in units, but could we maybe get a popup/pulldown units selector in the calculator widget?

It would be really handy to be able to select units arbitrarily right at the point of specification, like for those times I have to use a metric part into a design - I could just choose cm or mm on the fly, or feet or feet&inches instead of my normal decimal inches.

Awesome! I just gave this a try and I’m really liking it, what a great improvement! Hoping that this is a step towards variables.

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Variables will be released in the next few weeks. We are already beta testing the feature and finalizing the UX for a global rollout.


The expressions are good. But the expressions when variables become available will be massive. I look forward to it. And I thank the staff for their hard work to continue and evolve Shapr3D. :+1:

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Agree the new method is horible on an Ipad. there is no “/” in the calculator pop up dialog on the Ipad… I have been a Shapr3D subscriber for over 3 years, and the improvements have been amazing, but this is horible to work now. I usually do all my work in mm, but I often have to initially put parts in inches first, as that is how certain cut sheets are layed out. I don’t want to have to break out a calculator everytime I need to enter a dimension. Could they leave the old way of entering fractional values in the software as a settings option?


I really dislike this change. On an iPad the functionality totally changes and I can’t easily shift the dimensions by adding or subtracting. Why not add the ability to pick what kind of calculator you want? To just force this on everyone ruins the experience for many of us. Please please please go back. You just doublede my clicks and tripled by frustration.


why do I have to choose between numpad or calculator every time? Why isn’t the last selection saved? For me this is usually one more step everytime.


Will you guys be switching back to the old way of entering imperial feet and inches? The old way was different but it was at least usable. Nobody enters feet and inches this new way and it is the worst thing I have ever seen in any form of drafting software. It feels like Shapr3d doesn’t care about people that use imperial units. I will be cancelling my subscription until something is done about it and I truly hope there is a fix as soon as possible.


I see another problem: if you’re on an iPad without a keyboard, you have to first tap the keypad icon, then hit backspace to delete an existing value. Yet another step and more friction added.


Please take inspiration from this calculator for Imperial unit architectural expression


I have noticed an issue with my iPad and Apple Pencil use. On the small window that opens up that resembles a calculator when you want to change the size of a sketch item side, or move something, the top row of items (like feet, inches, etc.) are not buttons, and on many occasions, when I try to tap on the inches indicator with the apple pencil, I am not getting inches, it inserts a decimal point, or some other strangeness. Can you please change those items on the top row of the calculator into “buttons” so that an indirect tap (not perfectly tapping on the feet or inches) with the apple pencil still results in an insertion of the desired item. Thank you for your consideration. I think this falls under a “change of target size’ for the items on the top row of the calculator inspector window.

Been a Shapr3d customer for 2+ years and use it almost everyday. 75% of my work is done on the iPad. Before this update, I used to be able to very quickly tap a dimension with the pencil, enter my number or equation, and have the dimension applied. Now every time I click a dimension, the keyboard opens and defaults to Alpha characters. I have to click the numbers icon to get the calc to open every single time. This is a huge pain to do.

I have also found that sometimes the text box thinks my attempt to click on the number icon is me writing text and just starts interrupting random characters instead of opening the calculator. I have essential tremor so my fingers and hands shake when trying to be precise. It’s already hard for me to what I love and this change has been frustrating. This is the first time there has been a change that has impacted me enough to create an account here. I feel like Basic Expressions (and using variables) should be the exception and not the default. Is there a way to turn this feature off and only use it when it is needed/desired? Maybe I missed a setting I can change?

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I too would like the ability to enter imperial fractions as before. This expression method is way too cumbersome.