5.800 - Variables are here

Variables are here—make your models smarter and more adaptable.

  • New: Now you can use variables with expressions to create smarter, adaptable models that update automatically, reducing manual work and ensuring consistency across multiple inputs.

To learn more, visit Variables and Expressions in our Help Center.

Give this update a try and let us know what you think below! :arrow_down:


For work with this :grinning:


Could someone upload a video on how to setup variable’s an how to use them. I am familiar with using Family tables variable’s in Creo not sure how to use it in Shapr3d

Thank you

Just playing around but things like this is now possible.


Not available in the macOS App Store yet. Looking forward to taking advantage of the feature.

EDIT: It finally appeared.

Here’s an example of how to create variables and then apply them in your project.


If you already have variables, and want to edit in that case the sides of the rectangle, just click for the “y+” and choose from the list… no need to write the letters of the variable names… simple😎

Depending on the number of variables you have defined, it might be quicker to type their names out instead of navigating a long list.

@Jeriz, can you guys PLEASE, provide a link in your announcement post to your software Manual page specific to the new feature (or updated existing feature) each time you announce one?
I think a lot of people jump right in to the app trying to figure out the capabilities, limitations and formatting of a new feature, and possibly struggle more understanding or implementing that feature than if they had read the couple page description first.

Here is the link to the Manual section for “Expressions and Variables”

Also new features really deserve a deep dive description video (with link in your post) also.

This is something that has been bothering me for a while, because how announcements are made now , with just a brief description and a screenshot or bare minimum video ultimately makes more work for you guys in support and slows user implementation of the feature.
Thank you for listening!


Working with it now I realized we need Configurations.

I guess that could be next improvement for Variables.

Hi, I tried it but in my version it doesn’t exist, the icon for the variables doesn’t appear.

I have the pro version.

I agree with you 100% I don’t understand how variables can be a big benefit if you do not include configuration’s with it. I was under the impressions that you would be able to create different parts from one file which cannot be done without including configurations, hope to see that included soon.

Thank you

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Variable is also missing built in Help Video that is normally at the top center in the APP.

Video usually shows us what to look out for, been digging on my own.

Hi again, I’m answering myself

I was able to update to the new version 5800. and the option to add a variable now appears.

Great idea!

Not going to lie, this single feature will see me renew for another year. Shapr3d has been THE fastest design tool I’ve used thanks to its blend of parametric/history design and direct design elements, but the ability to now tweak a value quickly on the screen and see the model react this way is game changing for me.

Thank you for continuing to improve this product!

How do you input fraction in inches ?

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I understand the use of variables but I do not understand the importance of them without having some sort of way of creating configurations with them. Because being able to create multiple part configurations from a single part would be a good benefit.

Thank you

Yes, I’m pretty sure configuration would be next. Fusion came out with Configuration recently so I can only assume Shapr would do it down the line.

Right now variable is bit cumbersome to use. I feel like I can model as fast with direct modeling approach vs setting up variables. But if I took time to setup the variables I would like configurations to utilize the variables.

I’m sure they had a hard task making it work on the iPAD. But I feel with new additions of features they should branch the Desktop version off instead of giving us carbon copy of tablet ui on the desktop. Currently I can’t enlarge the history so I can input longer variables or expressions which make it cumbersome to use.