
This is very entertaining… you’ll hate my methods of creating a printable triangular pyramid. It’s a bit rubbish but I know it works 100% for my needs. I can’t be arsed to do a YouTube thing, it’s so simple.

  1. draw equilateral triangle… Shapr makes this super easy.

  2. raise triangle by the calculated height of a pyramid.

  3. scale top face to 1% twice.

I’d be amazed if you’ve got a printer that enables you to spot the tiny remanent top face!

Happy Xmas from a cheeky old fool…


Hey I see you guys goofing around in here and having so much fun, let me show you how to think of this the Shapr3D way. All you need is two kissing prisms, call them the yin and the yang. The triangle profile for the prisms should be as follows base = 0.5 units height = 1/2 * sin(45) units approx… 0.35355 should do the trick. Wink wink tip tip to developers, this tool would be even more awesome with a built in scientific calculator instead of the numeric entry feature it currently has. That would be powerful. Extrude this triangle by 0.5 units, now you have a yin.prism, mirror it about the square face rotate the mirrored version by 90 degrees, now you have the yang prism. Unite the warring halves, select the triangular faces and extrude outward, and behold by the magic bestowed upon you by the makers of S3D you now have a 1 unit tetrahedron ready to position or align as you see fit…

Tetrahedron Workflow the OserCAD Method.shapr (10.0 KB)


@MrJack88 your solution was impressive, the angle you tried reaching could be achieved using trig arcsin(-1/3). And if Shapr3D had a Scientific Calculator for data entry it would be easier coming up with such angles, no need to be funky-ing around with to much 2D content, having a default library of basic objects to start with would also be awesome. 1 button cube/hexahedron, tetrahedron, octahedron, etc… Thank you for sharing your solution.