Change unit of measure

I installed the latest version of Shapr3d yesterday. Now, my projects are in mm, not inches as designed. How do I change the global unit of measure to inches? Settings would be the most likely place, not there. But where? Thanks

On macOS, it’s on the right side when you click the grid below the magnet tool. On iPad it’s probably in a similar location.

Sorry, I am using Windows and the Grid in the upper right is grayed-out and very hard to see. That is probably where the Units of Measure Setting is found. Any idea why it would be grayed-out? Thanks

Hey, the Grid on my Windows version of Shapr3d is so grayed-out that I did not see it until your message about the location on the Apple version. I just clicked all over it and finally got a menu with the Units of Measure Settings. Thanks very much for your help. Best Regards, Wayne

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They just did a user interface refresh update, so it may be a problem they’re fixing for the next update.

Good to know. Thanks for the update.