I think the “arroniow” right up there, had published a nice solution… also a video.
Hi Mike
Interesting, that is kind of what I did with the corner of this container block.
Lofted the corner off by using the three circle arcs.
It was quite easy to set up and control by using the new variables (I love the new variables).
The only thing that was grating on me a little is the blend on to the bottom fillet, which Scalemodel took great delight pointing out.
I have since tried a mix of previous efforts, and nearly got a beautifully blended corner in all directions.
At least, right up to the point Shapr3d broke and there was no corner surface on the box at all. you could see inside!
Ich meinte mal Aluminium rostet sehr selten, bis nie. Aber ich kann mich auch täuschen
I once said aluminum rusts very rarely, even never. But I can also be wrong.
Grating? You mean sanding your 3d model, its a missing feature.
That would be useful!
‘The Sander tool’
It could fix a multitude of problems on the forum.
I would want sound effects to complete the experience and satisfaction in use.
I don’t think the Devs will take the suggestion seriously though.
Time for shut eye.
Hi Arron. I like your basic approach and note the bottom detail. My turn using Subtract.
Like it!
This is a bodies and Boolean approach to make the cut.
Hi Paulo
Just a small add on to the topic.
With a little extra playing I found the following:
The three fillets running around the corner curve produce a smoother transition to the edge fillets if they are set as the same diameter as the larger fillet on the vertical.
In the attached picture the top two edges have 5mm Rad, the vertical and curved corner fillets a 10mm Rad.
The limitation here is that Shapr3d forces a max Ratio of the two fillets around 2:1
one step at a time.
For now the variables will keep us amused.
For sure it will keep us entertained.
But in this case variables didn’t really help us. All the example was just simple fillet, subtract or loft. Oh and sandpaper!
Here is what it looks like with variable filet, note the body edges they match.
Corner didn’t even needed to be rounded.
done within one settings panel, had to open Windows computer that does suck alot though
I have asked for a Variable radius command in 2023 and this is the reply that I got from Istvan about it.
Hi @danno11 , variable radius fillet is definitely on our radar, but it’s out of scope for the initial release of parametric modeling.
Maybe someday…
Dan I knew you would eventually chime in, because you (I remember), I and others have asked for Variable Fillet before.
Also I pointed out the outlines in the drawing earlier in the post because I was bit curious how Arron would accomplish it via the Shapr method aka workarounds, a very simple task if you had variable fillet turns in to convoluted process if you tried to do it manually.
I did get to a point where the fillets got quite close to blending in smoothly.
That was the point that I broke shapr and ended up with no surface on the corner at all.
Too many curved guidelines when lofting.
I did find that lofting between shape A to shape B, does not necessarily yield the same result as shape B to A, even following the same curved guide line.
You made a good effort, also the approach you took with start from perfectly circular subtract probably didn’t help, because the upper Y gap vs middle Y is different so the first thing that jumps out for me is the center is not a perfect sphere but a squished sphere.
Could I duplicate that the shapr way? Maybe, cut the Y in half and shape it that way, but just thinking about that gives me a migraine and I rather open up a different cad program that can do it right and import it in Shapr, right tool for the job right?
Great Success, Very Nice