How To Variable Round Corners and Edges

Hello Guys
I’m new with Shapr and i like it a lot.

Need to learn a lot and one Question is :
How can I round an edge but not evenly?

Fusion has a “variable” function that allows you to individually round the same edge to different lengths.

My goal is to design watches. The processing of the edges is very important here. Take a look at the attached pictures.
Thank you

Here’s one workaround. Use Loft then Subtract.


This is a very good example why people requested sketch fillet feature.

If we could just sketch the top and bottom sketch, it is like having the variable fillet for none 90 degree corners.

Also if you want to be accurate (typing in dimensions), you need to setup a convoluted constraint setup.

Onshape most direct competitor

this is what I wrote asking about variable fillets in 2023, still nothing added.

Any chance of adding to the Fillet command the option to create a Variable Fillet example: 2" on the end and at a point from end a 1" then taper down to a 1/2" fillet. this would be a big improvement to the fillet command.

Thank you

Thanks to everyone for the tips.
I will try to work with it.