Create parameters in Beta

Hi, everyone! I use Shapr3d to model custom furniture and prepare files for CNC. Often there is a need to create similar parts of furniture but always size is different.

Let’s say we need to create simple cabinet with (length * width * height) = L * W * H. Most efficient way to model such cabinet would be to use previously made custom template of basic cabinet with any size where I could change corresponding parameters in history.
So instead of changing values in histry I would have parameters and formulas.


We are working on it, it will be available soon.


Hi @Istvan, any updates on when this feature will become available?

If everything goes well, it should be ready by the end of August.


Hello @Istvan . And what about visual feedback of sketch constrains? Do you have any new info when you will realese this feature?

What do you mean by visual feedback of sketch constraints?

I mean when I create some complicated sketch of some model, so for example in Solidworks I can see what part of sketch is constrained or not. If I do something for my customers, I have to be sure I haven’t left any part of the sketch undimensioned. It’s frustrating for me at the moment because I can’t see where everything is constrained or where I’m missing something

Oh, I see, you mean visual feedback for fully defined sketches, right? It’s scheduled for September/October.


Perfect. Thank you

Hi @Istvan, any chance the variables for parameters are coming soon? Don’t mean to be a pest, but this is the big feature I’ve been waiting on to fully switch away from Fusion360. Thank you!

Yes, coming soon.


Can you eloborate a bit please. It clearly hasnt been in the update for late August and soon^tm is kinda a meme. I understand if you cant commit to a timeline, but a reasoning would help. I am preparing a class beginning mid october and would love to use Shapr3d as the main course software. I have postponed the decision regarding this till late August because of your statement earlier and am trying to make a decision now.

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I am also waiting for this to fully make the switch. Excited for this.

Been following this for awhile, any clear date on when parameters will be implemented for dimensions? Still holding onto hope

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I have to say, I’m starting to get rather frustrated. From a quick web search, other users have been asking for variable support for at least a few years now. Vague promises of “coming soon” are escalating this from being a reason I’ve not fully made the switch to Shapr3D yet to a reason I won’t switch to Shapr3D at all.


The only real thing stopping me from switching from something like onshape or fusion 360 is purely the parameters functionality. This is a CRUCIAL feature for prototyping rapidly and iterating designs.


Any updates?

Hay any update on variables and parameter support, it is the major missing feature for me using openSCAD or Fusion.

+1 “history based parametric” isn’t real.

Variables +1