Recreated form an image posted by @mikenbrenda
Credit to the original designer (unknown) for the inspiration to recreate this model.
Recreated form an image posted by @mikenbrenda
Credit to the original designer (unknown) for the inspiration to recreate this model.
Wow is all I have to say! Also how did you make the movie on YouTube? or in shapr?
First, I captured screenshots of the blank screen, sketch, shaded body and rendered body and exported as .jpg images.
Then I used my SpaceMouse to navigate the rendered model while Screen Recording.
Yes, I need a little more practice with the SpaceMouse.
I then loaded the images and screen recording into iMovie and added the transitions.
I exported and uploaded to Youtube then copied the shareable link.
I then pasted the link here in the Shapr3D Forum
AMAZING!! @welshsteve
Thank you