Edit dimensions without retyping all

The problem that this feature will solve:
The choice is either click on dimension or click again to bring up the dimension box, but in both cases the new dimension has to be retyped in full.
This is unnecessary in many cases, for example:

where I want to change to 159.266. The number is highlighted which in most interfaces means that it can be edited directly, however, in shapr3d this is not the case. Even opening the dimension box as here:

doesn’t allow editing the number.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
Edit a number directly. E.g. position the cursor and allow delete and entering digits, or highlight digits and type to replace. These are normal editing functions one would expect…

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
Easy editing of dimensions

Is this slowing you down?


At least in ‘Direct’ input (on MacOS) it works with right arrow. Not so on iOS.

So it does! Left arrow sets to beginning and right arrow to the end. However, it would be more flexible to be able to click where you want the cursor as well as highlight digits you wish to change. Once the dimension box appears, the arrow keys don’t do anything.

Ich behelfe mir bei längeren Zahlen immer mit den “+” und “-” Tasten. Wenn ich z.B. 159.268 in 1559.266 ändern möchte, dann tippe ich “- 0.002”. Etwas umständlich zwar, aber ich brauche mir die lange Zahl nicht zu merken.