Please follow the format below for requesting a feature.
The problem that this feature will solve:
A way for Shapr3D to take MESH or STL files and create a negative of the item so that you have an externally workable file that is native inside shapr3D. If I had a simple X Y Z calibration cube in STL format that i wanted to import and make changes to, I would have to natively recreate it. But if there is a way I can have Shapr3D create a negative (example: take a larger cube, put the STL file inside that cube, and subtract it), that cube I made in Shapr3D now becomes a mesh file that is uneditable, and its just a negative. If the process could be done again, then you take that negative and fill in a void and that positive file could be a workable file.
Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
This feature would allow shapr3D users to start working with mesh objects where we need to make modifications to existing STL or meshf iles.
What can’t you achieve without this feature?
This will help break down the barrier for CAD modeling and design for complex structures (airplanes as one example) where you only need externally accurate copies of an STL but need to make modifications or break an item apart and create internal features from a solid mass.