Folded-like shape

Hi there,
Is it possible to recreate such a shape as seen on the picture on shapr3d and if so how?
Especially the folded like wall.

All credits to iconichome

You could create the base shape with revolve. Sketch one of the “folds” and then use the circular pattern tool

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Thanks for your reply! I’ve come to this version here with revolve and made the patern using sweep and pattern tools but then its not folded in it self like the other one and how do i get the outer lines twisted?

Try selecting the top face and then use the move tool to rotate that face. Your vase may be too complex for that but worth a try.

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Good idea, sadly it doesnt work…

Did you copy the base sketch, move it up, repeat for the top and then loft them together? Try rotating the sketches before lofting.

Could you explain it a bit more specific? I dont get it to be honest :smiling_face_with_tear:

I imported the twisted star shape from Corel Draw as a DFX.

I selected it and used the “move tool” to copy, move it up and then rotate the copy.

I repeated that several times, also using the “scale tool” to scale each copy.

Then I selected the bottom star shape and “lofted” it to the other copies above it.

I was simply testing shapr at the time to see what it could do and turned out pretty good so I printed it

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Here’s a method that might work for you. This is pretty much what @Lys suggested.


You guys are amazing! Thanks for the fast replies! I will try my best and report tomorrow

Could you tell me why i cant move the V Shape like you did?

I’m away from home and unable to connect to the forum at the moment. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Others on the forum should be able to help.

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Deselect all.

Select just the triangle.

I suspect you have a line/ edge selected as well as the triangle somewhere?

Hi Kevin,

Perhaps the triangle you are trying to rotate is too far back relative to the point of rotation of the gizmo. In your video, when you start rotating the face moves in the “wrong” direction, i.e. closer to the camera, not away from it.

Compare to Mike’s:

When Shapr3D sees that it will rotate into itself it does not allow it to happen.

Take a close look at @TigerMike’s video again and try again. :slight_smile:

So ive tried it a couple of times now, started all over again a couple of times. The triangle moved more to the center, more to the back. Lines of the triangle and the vase sketch on the x axis where on each other. I always get the same problem and result. :melting_face:

Tried it with a sweeped circle and rectangle aswell, same same

What machine are you using? Have you shut down to power off completely (not the sleep state)? Often that fixed shapr weirdness in older times.

Also no points are constraint locked?

Tried it on different systems (mac/windows)
Does simply work with a line but not with a spline

Okaaay so it does only work with a completely horizontal top face. Did cut the top face by extrusion, then it will turn in it self.
Shoudnt it work either way, even with an angled top face?!