Include complex Sketch ops in History tree? (Pattern and Text)

I wonder if there is any plans to include parameters for the more complex sketch operations in the history tree?? E.g. to be folded out under the Sketch item that’s already there.

I’m mainly thinking about Patterns and Text. So options to modify numbers of copies and degrees/distance. And option to modify font/size/alignment, as well as the text it self of course.

This might also open the possibility to make an easy way to select all faces in the text. 96% of the time, you’d wan’t to do that in order to extrude it, I suspect.

Another way to solve this could be to give the pattern constrain icon an action when you click it. A popup with the parameters and a “select all” button etc.

And make a similar icon for a text. And throw in a optional text constraint, so the text is locked together, just like a pattern.

Yes, variables are under implementation.

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