5.590 - History-Based Parametric Modeling is here

This release officially brings Parametric Modeling out of beta. Explore Design History alongside these additional improvements.

  • New: The wait is over: History-Based Parametric Modeling is now out of beta. Take your models to the next level of precision with Design History. Learn more at shapr3d.com/helpcenter

  • New: Advanced fillet settings controls now automatically pop up when selecting the Fillet step in History, making it much quicker to adjust fillet settings for corners, continuity, and curvature.

  • New: Now you can modify or fix broken projections more effortlessly with the new ā€œProjectionā€ parameter for sketch steps in History.

  • Improved: Now you can project the silhouette of non-planar faces into sketches. The projections are also included in History.

  • Improved: Easily adjust cylinders and cylindrical holes using the updated gizmo of the Offset Face tool that displays the final radius of selected geometries.

Make sure to update to the latest version and let us know what you think.


the old projection created a sketch that I could continue to edit normally as a new sketch layer, as if I had freshly drawn it.
Now this projection is created in purple and remains locked for me, cannot be moved, dimensions and restrictions are not displayed.
Because Iā€™m in a hurry, currently in a project, the update is inconvenient for me. How can I turn off the History or downgrade?

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Hey ā€” thanks for the report. Thereā€™s no way to downgrade or turn off the new functionality.

Projections are now indeed derived from the original sketches and cannot be modified directly. If you would like to create an independent copy of a sketch, the easiest method is to use the Move/Rotate tool with itā€™s Copy option turned on. It will create a new, completely independent sketch. If you want to adjust its position, you can change its base plane via adjusting the ā€œPlaneā€ parameter in the history sidebar. If your projection plane is parallel with the original sketch, itā€™ll lead to the same results.

Just to understand your use case perfectly, could you describe your original workflow around this? How are your original and projected sketches related to each other? Whatā€™s your main reason for making adjustments to a projection?

Thanks for the quick reply.

Attached is my video.
Luckily I havenā€™t updated on my Mac yet!
Old variant and new variant, followed by a short excerpt about my workflow. This can be extended with all your functions, for example: if I combine bodies, mirror them, need parts of other bodies as a drawing, etc.
I use the projection very often to get a 3D component back as a sketch, to continue working, to drag it back into 3D, etc.

The steps in the video really just show the problem with the projection that the new sketches are no longer usable.
The real part of my work is constantly jumping between 2D and 3D.


Yes, the flexibility of the new sketches are gone because the projected sketch is now related to the projected body. So this is for sketching purpose a pity. It will be nice if you can break this relation just with a right click of your mouseā€¦ so the projected sketch will be a new sketch


Do you mean copy the layers and then move them to the right place using the ā€œMoveā€ function? That would be too complicated in my opinion and breaks all functions of editing 3D bodies, from mirroring, combining, separating, subtracting, etc (you know your editing options) and then bringing them back into 2D.
Wouldnā€™t another ā€œprojection typeā€ option be possible? Sketches, edges, the new function then ā€œon bodyā€.
I had to forbid my two employees from restarting the app today (Windows Installer canā€™t be bypassed, can it?).
And Iā€™m forced to draw with the old version on the Mac until there is a solution.
We really donā€™t want to go back to Rhino.

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Are there any plans to either offer a utility to merge the beta and release libraries, or automatically merge them?

No, youā€™ll need to manually export to .shapr format and import it to the live app.

Istvan since the HBPM is out of beta now should we be using only the released standard Shapr3d version 5.590.6756.0
Or the Shapr3d HBPM beta version 5.590.6761.0

Thank you

The beta program is now over, please switch to the live version.

Thank you Istvan and your team for the latest updates and looking forward to many more.

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Well, that sucks. The least you could have done was offer a batch export/import feature.

I havenā€™t been following the beta.

Today, when I went to work on a project, I find the immediate, basic functionality has changed, and I canā€™t get past the first operation, extrude a sketch to subtract from an existing body.

That works fine, but deleting the sketches then deletes the subtraction.

No amount of clicking in the history panel seems to make any difference.

Can you point me to a basic tutorial to explain the differences between the old app and the new one? Iā€™ve got used to being able to work in it, and I hope I donā€™t have to learn the new program from scratch. I need to use it for work tomorrow, and if I canā€™t use it immediately then this is a serious problem.

I donā€™t want to go over tutorial videos from the beginning, like a new user. I need to understand what needs to be done now, to make this program usable again.

Thank you.

Short answer ā€¦ donā€™t delete the sketches, just hide them in the Item list (which means they are always available later just in case you need them again). Often, they will be hidden automatically.

Pretty much everything else continues to work the same even if you ignore the history feature. In exchange for the slight change in how sketches are handled, we can now have multiple different unique sketches on the exact same plane if needed (automatically numbered to keep them separate, but you can rename them if desired to find them later more easily).

I sympathize with the pain of having to learn something new while under deadline pressure, but overall, I think Shapr3D has done a fantastic job of adding new functionality with minimal changes to older workflows.

Having said that, if you can eventually spare the time, I highly recommend learning enough to take advantage of the history feature. It will likely save you a lot more time in the future than you have to invest to learn how to use it.


This page is a good starting point to see all the differences. It has pointers to the relevant sections of our manual and video content on YouTube.

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Thanks for your help, yes the main problem is the enforced change in workflow, with tutorials tailored for first time users, it seems. Unless I missed a clearly labeled tutorial to help those migrating from the old to new versions. Which is entirely possible.

Iā€™m sure it will be a brief pause in productivity, but right now I need it to work predictably, and I donā€™t know how long ā€˜briefā€™ will be.

Thanks again-

Thanks, I had a Quick Look, looks like a huge change for those of us who have been deleting sketches as a matter of course. I donā€™t have time to go into it now, but it looks like my items pane will be bursting with sketches.

The file system within a project, such as it is , already gets unwieldy with complex assemblies. I feel now itā€™s going to be completely overwhelmed.

Got to go to work now, not really looking forward to this.

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You canā€™t make everyone happy. When Shapr didnā€™t associate sketches with bodies created from them, there were a lot of people who complained that they couldnā€™t change a sketch and have the change reflected in the body. I was one of those people.

I was one of the guys expecting that the parametric would be good for my workflow (lot of experience with solidworks and fusion) but Iā€™m a bit disappointed with the parametric implementation of shap3r. The parametric modeling does more harm than good for my workflow.
Hope it gets betterā€¦