December 22, 2022, 8:00pm
Is it possible to open a STL file and modify it?
I see lot of videos about customizing the length of some part of the object to print it on 3D, but I couldn’t manage to do it in Shapr3d
December 22, 2022, 8:05pm
This has been discussed several times on this forum.
No - STL-Files are Mesh-Files and editing mesh-files is usually done in sculpting-software, not in (proficient) CAD-software. You asked for editing STL-files and this is not possible in a solid-modeller. One may try to convert the STL into a Solid, but conversion always comes with a price: you loose accuracy in shape, because of the approximation. It is technically possible, but not easy to implement, what makes this feature pretty expensive. The team deciding to work on this feature, means sev…
December 22, 2022, 9:10pm
Oh, I understand.
Sorry about asking about this, but I didn’t know how to search for this particular stuff.