NEW PROJECT: web-shooters spiderman homecoming

Hello everyone, today I show the first brushstrokes of this new project, spiderman homecoming web shooters, are for a co-worker who is a spiderman fan !!!
Apparently it seems like an easy project! Well, no !! I like challenges!!
I will explain how I start a project.
The first thing is to tell your spiderman fan friend that you are going to make spiderman homecoming web shooters, and observe the face of emotion, without knowing if you will be able to do it !! there is no going back to who has not happened, you have to put challenges.
After that and meditate on how to start … take pictures of your hand and forearm along with mine to have a more valuable reference. Then look for images of the movie, some base template.
The base template did not serve me, so I had to make my own as I show in the image.
from that image to build the sketches and then start shaping with Shapr3D.

and for now this is what i have.

I will keep you informed.
greetings to all

hola a todos, hoy muestro las primeras pinceladas de este nuevo proyecto, los web shooters spiderman homecoming, son para un compañero de trabajo que es un fanatico de spiderman!!!
Aparentemente parece un proyecto facil! pues no !! Me gustan los retos!!
Voy a explicar como empiezo yo un proyecto.
Lo primero es decirle a tu amigo fanatico de spiderman que le vas hacer los web shooters spiderman homecoming, y observar la cara de emocion, sin saber si vas a poder hacerlo!! no hay marcha atras a quien no le ha pasado, hay que ponerse retos.
Despues de eso y meditar de como empezar… sace fotos de su mano y antebrazo junto con el mio para tener una referencia mas precica. Luego buscar imagenes de la pelicula, alguna plantilla de base.
La plantilla de base no me servia, asi que tuve que hacerme yo una propia como muestro en la imagen.
a partir de esa imagen a construir los bocetos para luego empezar a dar forma con Shapr3D.

y de momento esto es lo que tengo.

hos mantendre informados.
saludos a todos


Looking forward to this Project too.
Wishing I had more energy to devote to my own ‘projects’, they are rather less complex than your choices.

All the best to. You and your lucky friend.

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