Hi team
I am looking at extruding a rectangle pattern onto a curved surface but I have failed numerous times. I am trying to create something as per image attached which I have done successfully with other bodies, however failed on this particular shape as it was created by lofting. Anything I am missing here? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is another panel I have created without issue.
First post looks like there is bit of a distortion vs the last post.
Also how did you get those 2 horizontal lines on the face? Did you sketch this or was it a subtracted part from somewhere else?
From here it looks like it should extrude fine, if doesn’t does it cut away if you go the opposite direction?
Shapr might be trying to generate a difficult shape from the top corner, where the ribs are connected to the panel edge.
The angle of the plate (panel) edge is not perpendicular to the face, so it might not surface offset easily.