Share creative creations here

As a 13 year old, I have created some crazy designs I think that this app (when you know how to use it) is very useful and easy to use. If you have any questions about Shapr3D please reply to the forum so i and others can see the amazing things you have made.

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Wesley, welcome to the forum. It’s wonderful to see younger minds embrace Shapr3D. While I don’t know you, I feel proud to see you’ve learned Shapr3D and are promoting what you’ve learned, and offering assistance to others. Bravo!

I appreciate that man thanks.

Hey @Wesley! It is awesome to see that you made progress in Shapr3D, feel free to participate in modeling threads or share some of your designs.

In the meantime, please take more care about your personal information like your email address. It can be read and used by anyone after you post it here.

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Understood thanks KPeter_Shapr3D

Welcome aboard Wesley. We’d all love to see your work in the Share Your Creations part of the forum. :+1:

Here are some of angles on my most recent design


Very nice Wesley. You must have put a lot of hours into that.

Very impressive, well done.

There is another one I did,this one is a room I did for fun.


I was working on the room and I designed it off my room.


I had fun with similar objects


@PK77 Nice work.

What is the item on the left side of the table, with all the pens etc? I haven’t seen anything like that in my part of the world.

@Stephen Oh, it was just my imagination. This is the tool you see when editing photos in the iOS stock app

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Thanks for clarifying that. For a while I thought it was a new must have gadget :smile:

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I wish it was :wink:

Very impressive