Streamlined/improved history notation

In the HBPM beta, the ability to rename history events is really helpful for keeping track of what different actions were accomplishing, but going in and entering those notes is enough of a hassle that I find myself only really doing it when absolutely necessary.

One way to streamline this could be a UI element below the History button that shows the icon for the last action taken. Tapping this could expand it to show the default name of the history event, with a cursor ready to rename it.



With something like this, it would be trivial to annotate actions as you go, making the history panel significantly easier to navigate. (Adding a search/text filter to the history panel would help, too, and would be significantly more useful with simple/quick annotation like this).

If you wanted to make it more obvious that the button under the history button is referring to the last action taken, you could have 2-3 show up, with the newest at the bottom, like a mini view of the last few History panel items. Iā€™d worry about this starting to feel cluttered, though.


Good idea!