Sweep between two dissimilar shapes

I’m wanting to sweep from the top surface to the highlighted bottom surface - missing the central part of course. Any ideas? From what I can gather, one needs two surfaces and a path for the sweep to follow. But I can’t craw the path even. Help.

You can’t Sweep between two dissimilar shapes. It’s one surface and a path.
You can use Loft however. Also note that you cannot loft hollow surfaces, they need to be solid. After doing a loft, you can use Shell.

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Taking a wild guess here, I assume you’d like the newly lofted part to miss the center cylinder.

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And here’s a more geometric result. Kind of like ducting.


Fantastic! So easy when one knows how. Now I’m off in searxch of a tutorial on how to get a horisontal pipe to intersect with this lot. I’ve seen it somewhere.