Trouble using union tool

Hi I have an issue to unite my final parts.
Whenever I try to unite all of them in this model there is an error saying that the geometry is not possible, I think the issue is around the yellow parts but I really have no idea on what to do to fix it, I have tried different orders since that some times work and it does to some extent but by the end the error always shows up an I end up with 2 non fusible pieces.

I canโ€™t attach the file SMH :unamused:
Update: Master (4.4 MB) :blush: here it is

I had no issues to union it. I think you had selected all the parts at once and tried to union them. I have attached the file below :point_down:. (899.2 KB)

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I did not, I actually tried adding one by one in different sequences:(

Thank you a lot !

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By the way, the sword is awesome :star_struck:.

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Thanks I love Zelda :wink: