What am I doing Wrong?

I’m coming from Tinkercad, which I need graduate from. But I can’t seem to get Shapr to do things I need it to do.

The other day, I was in sketch mode and drew a circle, and wanted to truncate the top of the circle to create the side profile of a ‘dome’ shape. I couldn’t get it to work. When I drew a line from one side of the circle to the other, it would never connect-- it either fell short or overshot, and so when I went to use the “trim” tool to get rid of the bottom part of the circle, it would delete the entire thing. I have no idea what I was doing wrong.

Issue #2-- I imported a DXF file to trace over in Shapr, and wanted to measure it first to make sure it was the correct size. I could not get the measurement tool to work, nor could I find any other way to find the size information for the shape. Also, everytime I went to trace over the design, all the original nodes would pop up, essentially covering up the actual drawing and making tracing very difficult. Is there a way to turn that off, so that just the artwork is visible and not all the nodes and handles etc?

Make sure you’re not creating a new sketch. Select the sketch containing the circle in the left sidebar and then draw your chord line.

ahhh, that makes sense—that’s probably what happened. Thank you!