Working w/2D ref images - possible to anchor image?

Dear all,
Hi :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2:

Some time ago I was trying to import a reference image in to Shapr. This way I could eyeball what I was trying to model, look back n forth as I work, etc.

The imported image sat within the project space looking as if it was on a plane.

Rotating the viewport therefore… the ref image would rotate. What I was looking for was a way to anchor the image on the screen so it would never rotate/skew.

(basically remaining flat, as if on a piece of paper and you’re looking directly at it).

Is this possible yet at all?
It would help so so much.

Thanks! :pray:t2:

Hi @SkillipEvolver ,

This is not possible at present.
Every thing in Shapr3D is an oriented object located in 3D space, so when you rotate the viewport, you change the viewpoint of all objects, including images.

There is no way to set a background image as far as I know.

As a workaround, if you are using an iPad, you could split your screen to keep the ref image visible in an other application while designing with Shapr3D. This is the way I do when I need it.

Ok thanks. What a shame… this would be hugely useful!