5.160 - Patterns inbound

This release packs a plethora of new stuff and improved features. Here’s the comprehensive list:

  • New: The Pattern tool is here! You will see constant additions in upcoming releases, with the first being linear patterns for your 3D bodies.
  • Improved: The Align tool now supports multi-body alignment.
  • Improved: The Text tool now has a handy preview mode.
  • Improved: Constraints get another boost with guide curves. These assist you while handling perpendicular and tangent constraints. On top of that, we’re adding an explicit mid-point constraint to the mix, plus you can now move sketches with constraints based on selection order.
  • Improved: We tweaked image quality in Visualization, giving you slightly more dramatic lights and shadows, and more vivid tones overall. (iOS and macOS only)
  • New: Navigation presets are now on Mac. Choose your go-to CAD app’s key bindings and keep using them in Shapr3D. (macOS only)

Any addition or improvement that you like? Let us know in the thread :arrow_down:


Is it possible for The Pattern tool to launch new functions in the near future, such as scale replication models such as 360-degree one-click input generation around the axis?


Buck list item checked: we made Pascal happy :heart:


Can someone give an example of multi-body alignment? I tried selecting multiple bodies during alignment and it didn’t work. Always just ended up aligning two bodies.

Sure, here are two quick examples showing how to align multiple bodies when you already have the selection and when you would like to do the selection after starting from the align tool. Let me know if you need any more help.


Where are these new features, I cannot find them? Also where can we learn about them and see how they are used?



If you are running 5.160 or newer, the Patterns are in the Transform menu, while the multi body align capability is added to the already existing align tool.
Mac navigation presets can be accessed from the Settings menu.

Thanks for that Laci, I have them now, the patterns are going to be really hand for some of my projects, I will need to try and experiment with some of the other new features.
All I need is more time to learn more Shapr3D, more quickly.
Great program and great development, over the two years I have subscribed it has just got better and better and I know this will continue, the best of all I can draw anywhere on my iPad.

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How do we get 5.16? I only have 5.15 available in test flight.

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For iPad From the App store, or our website in case of macOS and Windows builds.

Ohhhh I was expecting it to be in the beta app thanks!

Please Add CageEdit Option Like Gemvision’s Matrix 9.0

I just discovered and used the patten feature today.it is long overdue and thanks so much for providing it.

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Like Malleus, I recently used Patterns for the first time and it was really quick to do what I wanted. Great tool to have.

The Pattern tool and the improvements to the Align tool are great.

Could you please explain “move sketches with constraints based on selection order”. I often struggle with moving sketches with constraints: I get constraint violations, so I end up deleting constraints and lines then redrawing the lines on the new positions.


Hey! Let me give you an example what moving by selection order means:

Let’s say there is a line and a circle in your workspace. To make them tangent, you have to select them first, and here is the trick:

  • If you select the circle first, then the line, and tap/click Tangent, the line will be moved to the circle to make the constraint work.
  • If you select the line first, then the circle, and tap/click Tangent, the circle will be moved when applying the constraint.

TIL (Today I learned)

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@KPeter Great, so whatever you select first stays in place. A very welcome improvement. Does this apply for all type of moves (caused by constrains, align and whatever the cause is?