Add and Remove objects from drawings

I am reaching out once again to emphasize the importance of this update, at least in my workflow, and I believe it’s vital for others as well. Creating technical drawings of an design can take several weeks, sometimes months. The design often evolves due to client meetings, or changes in design, functionality, or budget constraints. Therefore, I view my technical drawings as evolving works, similar to my 3D models. Currently, the inability to add or remove objects from a drawing means I have to create a new drawing every time there’s a change. This results in losing my entire layout, remarks, and measurements, which is extremely inefficient and feels unprofessional. As a workaround, I use the Shapr3D tool only for creating layouts. Afterwards, I export the PDF to PDF Expert to add measurements and remarks. This method allows me to maintain my layout, remarks, and measurements while occasionally replacing the background layout from Shapr. However, ideally, I would like to - and believe it should be possible to - perform all these tasks directly in Shapr3D.”


Hi Sander,

We haven’t forgot about your request. Providing a solution for this is part of our mid-term plans, but it requires some prepration to fit in the bigger picture, so at moment I can’t commit to a deadline.

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This is a subject that I think really need to be addressed and I have posted my concerns on this before.

When is this big issue going to be addressed hopefully soon.

This is something that I have commented on before, imagine you are creating a assembly and you creates a drawing from that assembly with many bodies and now to need to add more bolts to the assembly there is no way to have them added to the drawing unless you start that drawing views all over. And that would not make sense especially if the drawing views have many dimensions added already. I think there needs to be some sort of update or Regenerate command to update the existing drawings with the new bodies automatically.

Thank you



Yes, this is a significant issue. The ability to add and remove items from the drawing would be an ideal solution. I hope this feature gets integrated to make the drawing tool more reliable.

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I posted the below in Jan. 2024, how long do you need to fix a mayor issue?

This is a subject that I think really need to be addressed and I have posted my concerns on this before.

When is this big issue going to be addressed hopefully soon.

This is something that I have commented on before, imagine you are creating a assembly and you creates a drawing from that assembly with many bodies and now to need to add more bolts to the assembly there is no way to have them added to the drawing unless you start that drawing views all over. And that would not make sense especially if the drawing views have many dimensions added already. I think there needs to be some sort of update or Regenerate command to update the existing drawings with the new bodies automatically.

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I wish to underline the difficulty of being unable to add and remove components from drawings. Whilst much of my work is direct to print or CNC, I’m increasingly having to produce assembly and PCB drawings. A minor change involves hours of work which is unacceptable. I’m regularly going back to Solidworks for larger projects simply because of the risk of having to update a drawing. Surely adding an ‘attach/remove item’ feature to the drawings menu cannot be driven by mid to long term software planning constraints?


It seems the only thing they care about is adding visualization improvements. That’s all they have done recently. 2D drawings needs a huge amount of work and they just won’t listen.

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I just signed up for the paid version after using the trial for a little while, and I was shocked to discover that you cannnot continue to add into existing drawings. Really seems like a gaping hole in this program and likely will lead to me canceling the subscription before it charges me. I like to lay things out as I want to see them on the drawings, not necessarily exactly as they are in the model, which means selectively adding them to the drawing and laying them out where I want them. Frankly it seems almost insane not to be able to select something and drop it into an existing drawing, I thought I was missing some command.

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Well I think that the Shapr3D team needs to start listening soon otherwise they will lose many subscriber’s in 2025. The way to add additional parts to a existing should be at the top of their list we should not have to pay for Shapr3D and AutoCAD to get out drawings done or have to redo the Shapr3D drawing just because something was added to a existing drawing file. Something needs to be done soon getting tired of hearing it is in their plans.

Thank you


It’s possible to add multiple new bodies into an existing drawing at any point…

Not sure why shaprs response is to say they are “working on it” when it’s already possible, and has been for a long time.

When in a drawing:

  • tap VIEW
  • tap BASE VIEW

A new copy of your existing body will appear
Underneath you will see:


  • tap BODIES…
    Now you can deselect the original body, and select a new body(s)
  • tap DONE
    Your new body will now be added to your drawing.

Hope this helps.

Since drawings already has the option to add/remove bodies, can you PLEASE unhide this ability.

Just give us an obvious button: ADD NEW BODY

You are correct you can add new bodies to a existing drawing but if you add new parts like screws or pins to a existing assembly that is already on the drawing it will not update the drawing with the added parts which is a huge issue because that means you would have to redo the drawing just to get the new parts added to a existing assembly on a drawing, This is big problem and needs to be fixed soon.

Thank you


Exactly, that’s the main issue. Additionally, when you subtract or split a body, part of that body often disappears from the drawing. I try to be very careful with my modeling to keep the drawings intact, but almost every time I move something around in the model, the drawings break. At that point, there’s no other option but to start the drawing from scratch. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially since this seems like something that wouldn’t be too difficult to fix in the code. If the link between the drawing and the model breaks, there should be a way to reconnect it, rather than having to redo everything.

I think you’re missing the point. Yes, you can add a new body, but it will simply overlay the existing drawing without any real connection between the two. This means you can’t take measurements between them or properly align them. The question is different. it’s about adding multiple bodies within a single, integrated drawing. This would allow you to create a cohesive technical drawing with accurate dimensions and relationships between the parts, rather than separate, unconnected elements.

I completely agree with you on this. I also use other software to create the drawings because Shapr drawing functionality just isn’t quite there yet. It’s really a shame because it feels like it’s almost there, just missing a few key features (and its taking way too long )