Align tool won't let me select faces on bodies to align

Hello, I am trying to do a tutorial and I have to align two faces. Per the instructions I am selecting the bodies, clicking next and then I am supposed to select the faces on the bodies to align. When I select a face I get an image similar to what the point to point measurement does. When I select the second face the first selection gets unselected. What am I doing wrong. Two pictures show what I am seeing.
I appreciate all of the help, I do spend time searching other posts but after a while I am giving up and starting a new thread.

I figures it out, I should only select the body to move. The hint says select bodies but obviously I only wanted to move one of them.

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Hi Bill,

Your screenshots show that you have selected 2 bodies to align, and then an edge to align those bodies…

This means that if you have a successful align, that the two bodies will move together, keeping the space between them. That is OK if that is what you want to do.

If you are trying to align one of those bodies to the other, you should only select one body at first. That is the body that will move. Then select the face or edge (you have selected an edge in the 2nd screenshot) on that same body, And finally, select where you want that body to go. Since you selected an edge, you’ll need to select another edge.

I am guessing that if you only select one body instead of two at first that you’ll get what you are after.

Thanks Bob, I did figure out that I was only supposed to select one body to get what I wanted to happen.