Basic Folder Duplication Option within item menu

The problem that this feature will solve:
The idea is to give a simpler/approachable option for speeding up folder organization for bodies/sketches etc, without having to fine tune your workflow first.

  1. I design cabinets, additions, furniture, etc, so to help wrap my brain around all of the components I need to create and categorize, I sometimes like to create folders in advance and name them too. So if I am making a frameless base cabinet for example, I will create the following folders
  • 18B-SD|↓
    • Panels
    • Structural Components|→
    • Drawer Components|→
    • Shelf Components|→
    • Exterior Components|→
    • Hardware|→
    • Specialty Elements|→
      (When it makes sense to do, I will also add a couple of additional folders within the above folders e.g.,
  • 18B-SD|↓
    • Hardware |↓
      - Decorative Hardware|→
      - Functional Hardware|↓
      - Drawer Slide
      - Drawer Slide
      - Door Hinge
      - Door Hinge

I will do this for every single cabinet, too.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
3. While I’m sure there’s a more efficient way to go about it, just having a simple feature to duplicate folders will help speed up the process of having to create all of those folders, until I can fine tune my workflow to come up with a more efficient way to go about it. For example, if I have 20 cabinets in total that I need to make, the amount of folders I would need to create would easily range from 80 to 160+ just for the cabinets alone. Eventually I will make all of the standard dimension cabinets I can so I can import them and not have to redo it every time, but even then, i still have to make cabinets with custom dimensions and custom features that I have to make from scratch, so just having some sort of super basic back up option to speed things up would be really helpful in times like that.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
4. This doesn’t prevent me from doing anything, but it would be a nice simple feature to have if possible.

  1. Having to type out/copy paste folder names over and over does slow me down quite a bit, at least relative to the simple nature of the task, but it doesn’t affect me enough to make me dislike shapr or anything else.