Beginning to begin again - Reconciling tutorial extrusion


I found it difficult to reconcile my experience between parametric beta version with the release version of Shapr3D, so I decided to wait. Now that parametric has been merged with release, I’m asking for help, because I can’t reconcile what I’m seeing in S3D with what I’m seeing in one of the beginner tutorials. Is there an additional or different action that is needed to make them show the same view? Is there a setting that makes the two appear the same? Do I just have to get used to seeing a different visual representation of the extrusion? Thanks.

It looks to me like the Visible picture you have selected a step in history. They have made it so when looking at a history step the item gets highlighted. If instead of selecting in history you select in Items sidebar I think you’ll get something that looks like the Tutorial picture.

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Thanks so much for your reply. It appears that something is being shown that is related to history, because when I select the body or the sketch from All items, this is what appears. It’s as though I’ve reverted in history and I can’t view what’s present, Either that or a step hasn’t been completed regarding the extrusion. Anything else I should try?
body selected

Oops, section view was enabled and I wasn’t aware. Thanks again. (funny how it showed what appeared to be the un-extruded shape, probably the only section view that would keep me from realizing that’s what was being displayed. If that’s the default, I would perhaps suggest a different default, like maybe 50%. But I’m used to being the fool in foolproof.)

Something else you probably noticed is after you made your sketch and extruded, that your sketch became hidden. That is working as intended. Since your sketch is visible, you would have unhidden it. That sketch plane is at the bottom of your extrusion. By selecting it then enabling section view, you will get exactly what you experienced.

It is great to “play” with Shapr3D! If you want to see a section view at a different height, add a construction plane, select it then enable section view. So when you can see your extruded body, select the top and bottom faces. That will change the adaptive tools to include adding a midplane. Do that action, then select the plane and finally enable section view. Now you’ll see 1/2 the thickness. Very useful if you have hollowed out something inside the body.