Dear Sharp3D team and fellow users,
I hope you guys having a nice day.
I want to ask what is the purpose of TempState files on:
Are this a temporary files that I could delete or not? If I may know, what is the purpose of these file? Because these folder file quite consuming my storage.
Be aware that when you delete these files you also delete all the projects locally stored on the computer. I’ve just tried it right now (hopefully on a virtual machine that I use only for testing) and all my projects were gone.
If you have SYNC enable, I suppose it is OK as the projects should be retrieved from the cloud, but if you don’t ave SYNC enable (which is my case), you will lose your data.
So to be used with care, and as always, be sure to have a backup of your important projects before doing this kind of operations
Strictly from a computer view temp folders are just for that temp storage etc. When in doubt zip them move a COPY then delete. If problem is created restore simple