Boloncho Fortnite

hola a todos,
Esta es mi version del boloncho de fortnite, cuanto mas la utilizas mas te asombras de lo que puedes llegar hacer.

Cuando tenga la versión imprimible posteare el link, si os interesa claro!!
Esta diseñado para que quepa en una bola de plastico de 100 mm.

saludos a todos!!!

Google translator

Hi all,
This is my version of boloncho de fortnite, the more you use it the more you wonder what you can do.

When you have the printable version I will post the link, if you are interested in it!
It is designed to fit in a 100 mm plastic ball.

greetings to all

image image image


Te ha quedado genial!!!

Gracias #Lucas!!
Hay lo he terminado después de 1mes haciéndolo a ratos ( vamos cuando me dejan los peques )
Solo me falta prepararlo para poderlo imprimir con la impresora 3D


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Aquí os dejo unas imágenes de unas pruebas en impresión 3D del modelo realizado en Shapr3D

Here you have some images of some tests in 3D printing of the model made in Shapr3D

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Estoy optimizando el modelo y ajustando las piezas para un buen ensamblaje he impresión 3d.
Es un poco laborioso…
Un cordial saludo

I am optimizing the model and adjusting the pieces for a good assembly I have 3d printing.
It is a little laborious …
a cordial greeting


hola a todos,
Os comunico que he sido invitado a participar en el concurso de Anycubic 3D Design and Print Competition, voy a presentar este proyecto que tengo entre manos el boloncho de fortnite.
Y porsupuesto pienso enseñar vuestra fantastica aplicacion en el video :wink: mostrando el proceso de diseño y optimizacion de las piezas!!!

un saludo

Hi all,
I inform you that I have been invited to participate in the contest of Anycubic 3D Design and Print Competition, I am going to present this project that I have in hand the boloncho fortnite.
And of course I think to show your fantastic application in the video :wink: showing the process of design and optimization of the pieces !!!

a greeting


wow nice project

I take advantage to upload an update on the pieces for your 3D printing


I have added a new element, the base for the boloncho.
Link :



hola a todos,
he añadido todos los elementos que componen el boloncho, para su impresion. Tambien he modificado la plataforma del boloncho añadiendo una mas pequeña.
Yo no he podido imprimir nada nuevo, ya que no he tenido tiempo, disculparme, a medida que vaya imprimiendo y viendo que mejorar, ire modificando los archivos actuales y comentando los cambios.

un cordial saludo

Hi all,
I have added all the elements that make up the boloncho, for its impression. I have also modified the boloncho platform adding a smaller one.
I have not been able to print anything new, since I have not had time, I apologize, as I print and see what to improve, I will modify the current files and commenting on the changes.

a cordial greeting



Corto vídeo mostrando el soporte de la ventosa.
Short video showing the support of the suction cup


Buenas tardes a todos,
Hoy os traigo las ultimas impresiones del boloncho, para que veais el proceso!!


Good afternoon everyone,
Today I bring you the latest impressions of Boloncho, so you can see the process!


image image


a new update of the boloncho printing and assembly process!
I hope you like it!


a new update of the boloncho printing and assembly process!
I hope you like it!


Very nice work! Thanks for sharing…



thank you for your comment!

It is a pleasure to share with you

a new update of the boloncho printing and assembly process!

the plastic ball is the test :sweat:, I will upload pictures with a new ball soon :wink:

I hope you like it!


I very much enjoy following the progress especially because you seem to be so very deeply involved.
Can you also share with us how many Shapr3D Designs have been created so far?

You have created a wonderful peek into what seems to be future possibilities, will it evolve with david.r sitting in the chair holding a minuscule model of david.r holding a …:sunglasses: x10 Supercool.
Would that be the ultimate test of S3Ds superb accuracy?

Thank you for a look at the lighter side of life on this planet.
Keep up the good work and please keep us informed.

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First of all, thank you very much for your comment, thank you very much !!
All the works I take very seriously, in this case it was a project for my son and a challenge for me, I try to teach my children not to frustrate themselves with any challenge, that’s why I take them so seriously!
echos projects with shapr3D I have 8:

3 models of concrete barriers for lego
1 pencil to sculpt
rules for cartoonists for the ipad pro 10.5
a leveling support for 3D printers
a modular support for the ipad pro 10.5.

and for the future I have thought about:

1 plane also inspired by the game of fortnite.
a kind of game of marbles (this will be reverse engineering) take pictures of the box and then do what I do with my printer)
and the spiderman homecoming web launcher that I already have in process

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Super efforts! Please keep us informed of these.



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Of course I will keep you informed!

thanks for the support