Carving a bolt slot along a circle

Hi. In the screenshot, I want to extrude the selected area, and then carve a slot for a bolt (actually two bolts, one for each hole) to move along the extruded body.

(In the screenshot, if I did it right, then the line in the middle should go through the centers of the two holes.)

Extruding part is easy but I can’t figure out what tool(s) to use to carve a the area in the middle of the new body for the bolts.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?


Make a sketch and extrude (in subtract mode) a hole.

That gives me a hole, I want a whole slot across the circle line in the selected sketch area in the screenshot. The idea is that when the two bodies are bolted together they will slide across that bolt slot.

I’m probably not using the right words, sorry if my description is confusing. I will try to come up with a drawing in Paint.

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You also can attach your current work so I will be able to show the solution on your model.

Here’s a poorly drawn sketch of what I want to do …

(1) is the bolt hole. I have two of these.

From the selected sketch I will extrude a body, but I want to carve (2) in the body for the bolt to slide in.

(2) will extend to the other end of the selected sketch (which will be a body).

Does that make sense?

This is what @Xdrakosha meant on his first post.

That’s right.

If you like, you can edit the length of the slot.

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Ah, I think I get it now. My sketching is not quite right so it doesn’t let me select the area between the two holes, but I think I know how to fix it. Thanks!

Like so?

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I just couldn’t make it work as @TigerMike showed… but I found another way, which is to sketch as in the screenshot below and then extrude the selected area:

That’s why I asked for project, to show you how to deal with exact model

Unfortunately Shapr3D free plan doesn’t let me export a .shapr file.

How are the two initial circles connected? Thanks.

The two circle sketches are connected to the arc’d bolt slot sketches with the Tangent constraint.

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