Construction Planes

I am having trouble creating a construction plane for the diagram below. I am choosing parallel to face because that is the closest option. But my face is angled and it is distorting the geometry of the stretchers when i extrude them.

Is there a better - proper - way to achieve what i am attempting?

Double tap on the face that you want to draw on and the grid will line up automatically. Or use space bar if you’re on a computer.

That approach further distorts the geometry. See sample below. Though it is much easier to constrain other aspects of the sketch.

I think the issue is you’re trying to do a horizontal tie with angled cuts on the end. If so just make the plane parallel to left/right plane. And then extrude a bit. Then click the end face and the face of the leg you want it to match, then use replace face tool.

If you position the plane in the middle of the assembly you can then just mirror from that and then union the 2 bodies.

That’s the approach i took with the first post. created an (offset) plane. angled it. sketched on it. extruded to the far object and then did a replace face on the end where the extrusion was initiated.

I am a bit confused as to whether the sketch is attached to the plane or the face. If i create a plane and use it for a sketch and then rotate that plane the sketch does not rotate. So… what is the value of the plane in this sense?

That would rotate the angle the extrusion direction goes. Like putting a square against an angled piece would not point horizontal, but perpendicular to that angle.

The plane is just a starting point, once the sketch is created it now has its own plane. That can be rotated and will adjust the part.

Thanks for the ideas.

So the leg is at angle of 3 degrees. When I sketch on the leg and extrude i get what we see in the second image (above second post) When i create a plane parallel to the face, select the plane and create a new sketch i get the same result. When i rotate the plane and select a new sketch I have trouble creating the sketch, but we get what i see in the first image (above first post).

I really need to create a plane that is located on the base of the dovetail angled 90 degrees to the axis. extrude to stretcher to the far leg and then do a replace face on near end with the near leg. What’s crazy is i am pretty sure this is how I did the short stretchers. Maybe they are not long enough to show an error?

I built the second image below using the same method, but it does not have any angled legs. But it all works. So I am not understanding something about construction planes and sketches, or there is a bug.

This is the result of rotating the sketch 3 degrees and extruding. i left the sketch visible so it can be seen. I used replace face to fill in the area to the left of the sketch and extrude to object/face to extrude to the right leg.

May be the gizmo does not fit on the plane when made the rotate…

I recently had the same error when moving a plane parallel. I did not remember that the plane is not parallel to the xyz system (only 2 degree) and the edges of the body intersected with the new plane became shorter. It was my own fault.
Before you use the move/rotate tool in this case, you must make sure that the gizmo is on the plane,(one arrow of the gizmo paralell with the plane) the default setting is vertical/horizontal.

I hope I helped.

I think by gizmo you mean the center of rotation? If so that was my problem. I had that set in the wrong place for the sketch.

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I made a video with a 5-degree side-tilted column for better visibility. It can be seen that the “arrows of the gizmo” are oriented vertically/horizontally and fit the xyz system. Then after a little movement it is already on the plane…