Create a surface in Shapr3D

I searched for answers to my question on the forum but nothing conclusive.
In fact I want to create a surface in Shapr3D.
So I extrude my shape, but it is impossible to separate the body on the surface.
For now I export the body in IGES and import it into MoI3d. I separate my shape and only keep the desired surface. I export to IGES and can use it in my Shapr3D project and retrieve it at the right size and position.
Everything works fine but a Surface tool would be a plus. For those who will ask me: Why use a surface?
My answer is: This is very useful for my keyshot renderings but I will not go into details about this topic.
Thank you all.

Shapr has no tools to deal with this.

Shapr is great for mechanical stuff… but isn’t great for creating stuff like car fenders or skins. Seems to have lost some minor ability to deform surfaces.

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Personally, I just want to be able to “Split” a body and keep only one surface.
Look at my screenshot, the surface is clean (with MoI3D) and import it in Shapr3D.
Thank you.

What is the purpose of the surface?

As I wrote above, I use these surfaces for my keyshot renderings. Especially for mapping, displacement or labeling operations on complex projects. And more.

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