Creation of a Mesh

This feature will simplify the mesh creation

I tried to create a Mesh as a radio panel grid with multiple small holes and Shapr3D took a lot of time to think, so I think we need a tool that simplify mesh creation over materials, instead of using the pattern tool which takes a lot if you do like 500 or more holes

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Just wondering, what was your flow of creating the mesh? Though it could be easier, pattern tool works decently for this use case.

My flow to reach a similar outcome:
Create the cylindrical body, and shell it
Create one circular sketch (the hole in the pattern) directly touching the face of it
Use Circular pattern to create one line of sketches for holes
Use Move / rotate tool to copy it one line below, and rotate it by the desired amount for the second row of holes
Use linear pattern to create as many copies of these 2 rows as necessary

It does look like a lot of steps, but it takes about 20-30 sec to execute.

Hi Laci,

Thank you for your answer, my concern was not the workflow, but the rendering, which took a lot of time for Shapr3D ( I am currently working on ipadpro 1 year old only)
Anyway, in your worflow you don’t describe how do you actually create the holes on the cilinder, which I think is the point, here I describe my workflow, and how I created the holes:

1-Create cilinder
2-Hollow it
3-Create 1 small circle sketch in front and tangent to the big cilinder,
4-extrude the body of the small circle through the big cilinder,
5- Use the pattern tool to repeat this small body all around the big cilinder in the same way you describe
6- Use Substract tool to all this bodys from the big cilinder ,( this is what took Shapr3D to think almost 5 minutes )

Probably there is a better way to create it, let me know and thank you again!

Yes, I forgot, the last step is to extrude all the copied sketches. For me it took only a few seconds, though it was less than 5 hundred holes, and currently I’m on an M2 Max MBP, so there is definitely a difference there in compute power.

Also, I moved all the created sketch planes into one folder, so once done, I could just hide them or delete them easily.

Hi Laci

Ok thank you, I wonder how did you extrude all the sketches in a circle to go inside the center? That’s why I used substract, I created first a body and then pattern it around the cilinder, and then substract all resulting body’s from the main cilinder…

I selected all the sketches created, then made a negative extrude with the value of the cylindrical body, which in my case is 2mm.

Anyway, there isn’t much difference between the aproches, you just work with bodies and subtract them at the end, while I work with sketches, and extrude automatically switches to subtract. It might make a bigger difference once HBPM is out, in that case, using sketches is probably more beneficial since you can just change the diameter of the original one, and all holes will change accordingly.

The problem with handling meshes like these is that though the generated faces are not too complex, there is a lot of them, you can see in the screenshot that my holed body now has over 2000, and that can become taxing.

Ooooh, you a right,!!! is better to pattern a sketch , so you maintain editable and non destructible mesh in case you need to change the diameter or use it for another project, sounds great, thank so much for your time and comments!

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