Complex bodies causing app to slow down

I’m trying to create a complex mesh pattern in my design but it seems to be causing the entire app to slow down drastically. Overall I’m trying to set my own expectations on what Shapr3d can/can’t handle well so I can work within the constraints of its capacities. Furthermore, if this is a hardware spec issue I can also explore upgrading my iPad to a newer gen iPad pro. Attached is the pattern example I’m going for… every time I try to touch this layer the whole app goes into a 45 second loading state. Thanks in advance :raised_hands:


I’ve had that happen before. I found that hiding the sketch helped.

Hi Didi,

your issue rings a bell as it was solved some time ago but seems to have come back again.
The issue is caused by the complex sketch that slow down the whole app.
Actually, this happens only when the extruded body touches the sketch. Must be a side effect of the automatic sketch modification feature when a body touches a sketch.

@Stephen : hiding the sketch does not change anything for me on 5.280.

The best solutions I can imagine are:

  • to save the sketch (export in DXF for instance) and delete the sketch from your project once you have extruded the part; every thing should be fast again. Not ideal but acceptable.
  • to move the sketch away so no body on your design touches the sketch.

@Shapr3D : on my Macbook Air M1 with 16GB, a body with 10 000 holes takes 50 secondes to hide and 18 seconds to show when the sketch is in the project (regardless if it is visible or hidden) versus almost instantaneous when the sketch is deleted. I upload the 2 projects so you can check the speed difference.
grid with sketch project.shapr (2.3 MB)
grid without sketch project.shapr (2.3 MB)
Tessellating bodies takes some time during first opening of the project… there are 10 000 holes in the body :wink:



I’m not the only one to have problems with mesh pattern !
I made a lot of filtration stuff, but that’s really hard to do, I will try to have a better workstation, I hope it will solve the problem.

Bit late reply, but I experience the same. I would like to create a mesh that covers a half sphere.
Currently there is no method to fold a mesh around non flat surfaces. (@Istvan ).
So I do not see another method than breaking the mesh sketch up in small flat parts and extrude them right through the surface of the half sphere. This is very tedious work and leads to lots of sketches not touching the actual body.
As a consequence Shapr3d slows down leading to unworkable wait times with every little edit that follows.
Oh and by the way, I am also designing a lathe which needs to have an threaded axis. The thread itself has something like 450 revolutions around the surface of the axis. Any manipulation of this threaded axis leads to wait time of many, many minutes (maybe even more than10 minutes).
I removed the sketched pattern of the thread, but even then wait times are stil many minutes.
Also sometimes Shapr3D shuts down on this design (error report generated and sent).

I am working on an 2021 iPad Pro with (M1 processor with 16GB internal memory - 1TB version).
I see this happening both on my windows work station as well as the iPad.

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I deleted the sketch from the work space and still taking an age just to select move or export the extruded part absolutely ridiculous.

The same problem occurs here under Windows: the application often (too often…) freezes, sometimes for dozens of seconds, for no reason at all, after selecting a face or object.
Some days I wonder if I won’t go back to 123D Design…

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same problem on macbook pro m1 max, cpu load about 100%