Deleting breakpoints on ipad

I might be missing something but I can’t find how to delete a breakpoint on the iPad. On the desktop I delete via the menu. I’ve tried dragging it, swiping it and it comes right back. I can drag it to the end of history but that’s a pain. I have some 200 items in history.

When you hover over the breakpoint, there is an X on the right side.

Well, I feel a bit silly because I can’t get that behavior. I attached a video of what I get. Guess I’ll keep trying.

You can long tap on the breakpoint (and other history steps) to open the context menu where delete and other contextual actions will be available.
With mouse or Apple Pencil hover capable iPads the delete button will appear on the breakpoint while hovering over it.

Hi @ggltoddmiller,
Try a long press on another step.

Then “Clear Rollback Point”

@alex.marton , I would suggest that the terminology be made consistent. In the History sidebar it is called “Breakpoint” and in the context menu it is called “Rollback Point”, and setting is called “Roll Back”

Thank you all for your responses. You have been very helpful. When I long press a step I can see and use the ‘clear rollback point’ in the pop up context menu. I missed that. That helps a lot.

When I hover over a breakpoint on the desktop app (With the mouse) , the word ‘breakpoint’ and an X appear and I can delete (clear) the breakpoint.

When I hover over the breakpoint on the iPad however, the word ‘breakpoint’ appears but there is no X to delete! The video shows this. This is what confused me. There is no X to clear the breakpoint on the iPad. Maybe I just don’t know how to ‘hover’?

Thanks again for all your help!

It could be hardware. I have Apple Pencil v2 and M2 iPad Pro, which added proximity detection of pencil.

We are working on finalizing the context menu and the terminology. It should be available in one of the upcoming betas.

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Great! I suggest Breakpoint, Set Breakpoint, and Clear Breakpoint. But I’ve had more experience in software than CAD :wink: