History breakpoint suggestions

  1. This is super minor, and might just be my workflow, but basically every time I’ve set a breakpoint, it’s been with the intention of rolling the history back to before a specific event, so it feels strange to have to select the item before the one I’m trying to turn off, since Insert Breakpoint does so after the selected action. Having the option to “Insert Breakpoint Before” or “Insert Breakpoint After” wouldn’t change the number of required clicks, and would clarify what’s happening for newer users.

  2. Being able to disable breakpoints without deleting them would be useful in my workflow. For example, I have a project with rotational symmetry of some of the parts. In my history is a move action that copies and rotates those parts. Fairly often when working on the symmetrical parts, I’ll add a breakpoint before the move action. Being able to keep that breakpoint there, just disabled, would make that action easier to find and speed up my workflow.

  3. Along the same lines, if breakpoints could be kept and toggled, being able to rename them would be useful.


Along similar lines, adding a single step feature after breakpoints (like a computer program debugger) would be great. I’m impressed with the parametric feature and can see a lot of potential, but I have a lot to learn to take full advantage.

The breakpoints, and the highlighted parts matching the selected step are helpful, but I find it hard to determine exactly what is happening when — especially when no breakpoint is active and I’m just randomly selecting steps in the history list. The ability to easily go “one step at a time” (again, like a debugger) would help a lot, and avoid having to set a lot of extra breakpoints just to hide all of the “after” steps.

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You can drag breakpoint down one by one.

Thanks, didn’t realize that. Still, a single step button would be a little easier to use.

Made the same suggestions last month. Yes, I support this:

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