Did you guys change projection tool?

I’m having very erratic results projecting lines from one sketch to another - noticed it a couple of weeks ago, and it’s starting to irk me a little now. It worked absolutely perfectly and as expected but now when I project to a line on an object in another sketch rather then appear in pink / purple, and is locked to it’s source sketch, the lines are coming in as, … well lines, and aren’t locked / constrained any more. I have to go out of my way now to lock my projected lines to stop them moving about. They also appear blue, like I just drew them in the sketch.

If say I project a horizontal line from sketch 1 into sketch 2. I then want to make say a circle in sketch 2 tangent to this line. I select the line and the circle and hit the tangent key… the line moves completely away and jumps on the circle… That’s messed up and shouldn’t happen. Are you aware of this problem? Please fix. Projected lines must be locked into every single sketch that uses them otherwise it undermines and compromises the whole integrity of the drawing / model.

thanks Simon

There is an option in the projection tool to create an unlinked projection. Purple indicates that it’s linked to the source.

Thank you. I literally just looked at the cog icon and saw this. Great - phew - that was driving me nuts. I honestly have never had need to have a projection line that moved before. I’d have it changed to being on by default instead of off if you ask me.

Cheers Istvan. Appreciate your quick response.


I fully agree. The default should be for the projection to be linked. I don’t think I’ve ever created a projection that I didn’t want linked. If an unlinked line is desired, just create a regular line.

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Totally concur, and it avoids all this un-necessary confusion, especially with new customers coming in from other CAD applications where that is the default behavior, who will not appreciate this. The downstream consequences of unwittingly moving a line you assumed was locked can seriously break a model and have huge frustration consequences.

That is the default, and we save the last choice.

Listen I’m still having trouble with this quite honestly ‘ridiculous’ setting. It’s driving me up the wall. I’m constantly having to turn it on, and then even then a lot of the time it doesn’t seem to apply. I’m wasting minutes at a time re-selecting project only to have a line be drawn that’s not linked. I turn the setting on, again, try and link the projection, again, and it just draws another stupid unlinked line. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. Whoever thought this was a good idea obviously isn’t using this product for modelling. Please scrap it completely and just have all projections linked by default.

When I first started using Shapr3D I don’t recall having this issue. But since the last few updates I’m having it every single drawing and I don’t know if I’m coming or going with it.

Here’s some screenshots that outline my issue

  1. Projection linkage off. (by default :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  2. Turn linked projection on

  3. Click the link I want link projected, select blue check mark

  4. Wow, one completely unlinked projection. Brilliant!!! :grimacing:

Probably you are projecting from a sketch that was created later than the sketch that you are projecting into. Since parametric history is a linear sequence, it’s not possible to create a bidirectionally linked sketch between two sketches.

Oh I thought you guys had solved the space time continuum and sorted that little issue :). I could’ve sworn I’ve been able to link to sketches forward in time recently (last few weeks) and wondered how you did it because even Fusion360 couldn’t do that. But in any case, lately this option has been playing up. I think it’s buggy. I turn it on and it works, and then I go back a little later and it’s toggled itself off. Can I request a global setting in the preferences of software that I can just hard have it turned on permanently. I will never, ever, ever need projections unlinked, ever.

Thank you.

If you set it linked, it should stay linked. We couldn’t reproduce a different behavior. Can you share a way to reproduce this problem?

I’ve just being playing around with it in a brand new sketch. In Layer 1 I drew a circle.
In Layer 2 I drew a square.
In Layer 1 I went back and clicked projection checking linked selection is on… Layer 2 faded out in background. I selected a line on the square. I clicked the blue check. A line now appears in layer 1 from the square in layer 2. But it is a line. If I lock the line then I guess it does the same thing as a linked projection. However if I then move that the object in layer 2 then the line in layer 1 does not move with it. Not linked. Hmmmmmmm. My example must’ve referenced and older layer and hence why it’s acting like this. This is how you intended it wasn’t it? I suppose this makes sense.

I guess in this example it is working as expected. I’ve always been amazed that using programming logic you could not find a way to link to to objects in other layers after the fact. Sometimes things drawn at the beginning of a model can’t be refined until things are built in the future that align to them and give them reference.

Ok well thanks for your assistance looking into this for me.

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Ok I’ve had a bit more time playing around. I’m still convinced that there is an issue with the projection tool.
I’m still adamant that the default should be the projection is turned ON by default. And if you’re projecting to a layer in the future, by all means automatically generate a line. That is actually useful and I’ve warmed to it. But it’s stupid that I have to go in and specifically turn it on each time I’m in a new drawing.

However now I’m finding that after turning the tool on, it has a habit of not staying on and turning itself off which creates annoyances as I have to then go in and re-turn it back on. Something’s definitely changed recently with this tool. I never used to have this problem. Not I get it regularly, every single drawing I do.

Ok I think I’ve finally figured something out that’s been bugging me about the projection tool. I turn on the projection tool to link sketch pretty much automatically every time I use it (and still strongly insist this should be the default option)… Therefore there is never a reason for me to turn it off.

However from time to time I need to project to a line in a newer sketch. Obviously this is not possible but you guys have sensibly allowed the line I’m projecting to to be copied into the current sketch which is really helpful even though it’s not linked to the original sketch. Fine.

However this then causes the toggle on the projection settings to toggle off. So the next time I’m projecting to an older sketch, it doesn’t link and pulls in line copies. There’s no warning by the system it has done this and hence gives the impression of the system just acting randomly and frustration that that you waste time having to figure it out and then go back and toggle the Linked Selection back on. (I hope this makes sense). The system is toggling the selector off without any warning to the user it’s doing so, so hence my total bewilderment with this tool.

Can you just please leave the projection on all the time, and then just not let it come off even if copying from newer sketches to older ones.
Cheers Simon