Dynamic array

Hi everyone, noob here. I had a lot of experience with Sketchup and I’m in a process of switching over to Shapr3D since I will be using 3D printing and CNC routing more in my business. I’m getting used to contraints and parametric modeling but it’s taking a lot of practice.

I’ve gone through a lot of tutorials, but wasn’t sure if there was a way to create a dynamic array. To better describe what I mean, imagine a shelving unit that has holes drilled every 50mm vertically for shelf pins. If I change the height of the side walls in the initial sketch of the sides, the unit updates as expected. However, the holes I created with the Pattern tool did not extend to add more holes. Is there a way to do this?


I think it’s not possible for now. Then there will be variable support it will be achievable.

So for now you have to change not only the hight of the wall but counts of the holes in history too.

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Thanks Xdrakosha. I was afraid of that. It’s not a huge deal but it would be a time saver when available.

Does anyone know when that is expected on the development timeline?

Istvan said “soon” :slight_smile:

With parametric modeling you can emulate this behavior by creating patterns.

Hi Eric,

Here is an approach to your hole problem.

  • Make a pattern of “pegs”.
  • Subtract the pegs from the panel
  • Use history steps to change the pattern

It is not automatic. Maybe when variables can be stored it will be easier.


Thanks Istvan, yes in my initial post I mentioned the Pattern tool.

Thank you Bob3DPO (love the name BTW). I didn’t think to alter the timeline card, that would make it easier!

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So as a beginner to parametric modeling and Shapr3D, something that still confuses me is what operations should be drawn in a sketch, and what operations should be done to the bodies, to make things easiest.

For example, when designing the side of the bookcase we’ve been using as an example, I was putting all the holes in the sketch using Pattern within the sketch, and then extruding them through the body afterward. But it seems like it would be more efficient to draw only one hole, then use a Pattern to multiply the hole in the 3D body.

That’s exactly what I suggest to do in my first reply, just change the history :slight_smile:

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There is no “best practice”, it’s a matter of your workflow and what you want to achieve. In mechanical design, most engineers prefer to define all the dimensions, shapes and relationships in their sketches. Often this is the best way to create a proper parametric model. However, there are always exceptions, and Shapr3D gives you the freedom to decide how you want to work.


Hey Eric,

The big reason for me in using the Pattern on a body instead of in sketch is that when working with bodies, you can alter parameters via history.

Great point. That is starting to (slowly) penetrate my brain now. I didn’t realize at first that sketching operations do not appear individually in the history, but operations on bodies do.