
Hey guys, I am a paid subscriber and I love the software. I have a couple of issues and would like some help. I know I need to get better at drawing etc…but I find myself redrawing a lot of stuff because there are sooooo many steps by the time I get to the end, that going back and erasing all the work I have completed is just silly. If I get to the end of a drawing and I realize I need to shift something or make a dimension change…I have to undo all the work ive completed and change what I want then redraw everything after it. Especially if Ive closed the design already. How long is the history supposed to last and how do I keep myself from redrawing everything after I have undone 10 20 or 30 steps forward because I realized I needed to shift or change something previously.
I hope this makes sense…would be better if some how we could relay our problems by voice to someone who knows the software…that might help with forum replies and not understanding what people might be having issues with. Thanks!!

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I used to work with a Paul Wilson at General Motors


Shapr3D is a direct modelling software, meaning there is no connection between the sketch and the body once the body is created. This means there is no need to go back, delete the bodies and change the sketches. Think of them as a general guide, then add the details directly on the body.

You can modify the body directly, and generate drawings from it in the end once you are happy with everything using the “Create drawing” option.

I hope it helps.

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