Export options to reduce size/compress output

Right now I have a file that when exported takes 3.3GB (as STEP) or 332MB (as .shapr). I have no idea why precisely the difference is so enormous, but that aside I have found other CAD suites offer options to reduce output size.
Think of options like ‘join small segments’ or ‘simplify big parts’.

An example of options: How to reduce the size of a DWG file in AutoCAD)

for anybody having also a big STEP file after exporting; i found a workaround that worked for me:
export to x_b format

that is siemens parasolid binary format and is even smaller than shapr (also doesnt contain drawings etc).
and it is pretty well supported, not as good as STEP though.

This is not true, actually often literally the opposite is true. tThe Parasolid format is superior to STEP when you are transferring geometry between to CAD sytems that both run on the Parasolid kernel. I’d recommend reading this article.

Agree, indeed, Parasolid format is much better/more efficient, because if i understand correctly having a smarter geometry information storage. STEP is the ‘old’(er) CAD file format that you can use everywhere, even online and in slicers for 3d printing, it’s a bit like a universal format. But, on the negative side, it’s pure basic b-rep storage of geometry data makes STEP files end up being 10-15x bigger for the same model (caused also by using ascii instead of binary storing difference ofcourse). So, simple sense is using Parasolid format wherever possible. Thank you for the info!
Understanding it is very useful, even for a beginner like me.

No, that’s not why. The Parasolid format is the native format of the Parasolid kernel, thus no data translation is happening when you transfer the geoemtry between two Parasolid based CAD system.
STEP is a kernel and CAD neutral file format, that was designed to be an common langague to describe geometry. To make it easier to read and write, it was designed to be a text based format, while the x_b Parasolid format is a binary format, hence the dramatic size difference.

That’s often a good idea, particularly when you are transferring the geometry to another Parasolid based system, like SOLIDWORKS, NX or Solid Edge.

A new ‘problem’ seems to have come to the latest version of Shapr i’m afraid.
Before I could use the exported Parasolid files in other programs, like Fusion, but the lastest version seems be using a newer Parasolid version?
At least, that is what Fusion360 is telling me, when I try to import an exported Parasolid file into it.
Would it be possible to have a selectable option to use an older version of Parasolid export format? Like a compatibility version (like for STEP it has AP214 and an older/newer one).

Correct, we’ve updated Parasolid - looks like Fusion 360 haven’t updated their implementation yet.

That’s a very reasonable request. We we’ll be working on improving our export flows in the coming months, this could be a great improvement. Thanks for the feedback.

As a workaround you can use the STEP format until then.

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