Exporting Sketch as .DXF from the Z axis?

The majority of my sketches for a project are along the Z axis. In other words, if I’m looking from the top down, you really don’t see them since they are 2 dimensional along this axis.

I want to export these sketches as DXF’s into VCarve for 2 dimensional work. Problem is that when Vcarve opens the DXF’s, it keeps the XYZ orientation, meaning that the sketches only show up as single lines, since they are 2 dimensional and the VCarve view is from the top down. So I can’t work with these in VCarve. I also don’t see options within Vcarve to assign an axis to the sketches.

  1. Is there any way to change the XYZ orientation for the entire project? So then my sketches will be along the X axis?
  2. I can’t really just move them to the X axis, as I can’t figure out what the locked constraints are.
  3. Is there a way to export the sketches as they are, but not have them keep their Z orientation?

Thanks in advance

You can rotate the sketch on Shapr to any plane. Just select the sketch in the left sidebar and use the Move/Rotate tool.

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“Locked or constrained sketch parts cannnot be moved”. I must have created some constraints that I can’t identify.

Are you selecting the sketch in the left sidebar? Selecting all the elements in the sketch will rotate them relative to the sketch plane, not rotate the entire sketch.

I think that I figured it out, at least for my purposes. What I’m wanting to do is basically create a 2D DXF file of all sketches so that I can move these to Vcarve and then cut them out on my router,but Vcarve keeps the Z orientation of an sketch that was created in the z axis.

So I just duplicated the entire project. Specifically the project bodies. Then took all of these individual bodies and laid them out on the XY Axis. From there I used Project to create sketches from these bodies. Then deleted the bodies, and what I was left was were the sketches in the correct axis.

Maybe there is a better way, but this is working. Thank you for he help.