Need to rotate sketch to export as DXF...won't rotate

I need to export a DXF of a sketch in order to import it into my EDA software. Since the sketch is on the X-Z plane, I need to rotate it so it is on the X-Y plane (otherwise the DXF is just a line). However despite my best efforts I cannot rotate the sketch. It will give me the UI to do it, I can attempt to rotate the sketch, but nothing happens.

There are no constraints active as far as I can tell, it isn’t locked in any way that I can see, it just won’t move or rotate.

Can anyone provide any insight into what might be happening?

Additionally exporting to a 2D drawing feels a bit clunky. Shouldn’t I be able to select the sketch and be asked which orientation I want to export? Or better yet, be able to select a body in whatever orientation and export that as a drawing?

Are you selecting the sketch (and not the plane) from the left sidebar before attempting to rotate it?

I have tried every way I can think of to select the sketch, but most of the time I click on the sketch in the outline. It is the top of the outline, not in a folder, and everything else is hidden (not hiding things doesn’t change the result). It is the one and only thing slected

If you look a few down the list of help requests, you will see.
‘How can I rotate an inclined sketch to horizontal’
The same processes will work for you. Your sketch is currently inclined at 90 degrees. This makes it easier as you can rotate using the Move/Rotate widget, which will rotate in 5 degree steps.
Once you have rotated by 90, you then project the sketch to the XY plane.
This will create a new sketch in the item list panel, export this new sketch to DXF.

From my original post:

I cannot rotate or move the sketch at all. Not by 5 degrees, not by 90.

But just in case I did reread that post and try the advice given in it again, without success.

Okay, that seems odd.
Screenshots or video could help somebody spot the issue.

Upon selection:

Before attempting to rotate:

During the attempt to rotate:

And After:

Someone may call out that there is a change in what is highlighted in the outline view, I promise you it does not matter.

But it is also a bit moot at this point. I spent more hours on this problem than it would take to recreate the PCB shape in my EDA package. Hell I just exported the actual part that corresponded to the sketch, and imported it into unfolded, exported that to a DXF, and edited out the parts I didn’t need in under 10 minutes.

As much as I love Shapr3D (and I do!), I think parts of the UX are bad. If this sketched is somehow locked, it would be lovely if there a obvious way to know and to what. Why can’t I pick the view I want to export to DXF as opposed to the assumption it has to be on the XY… with on screen documentation that that is what is being exported. And I could go on.

It is such a great app in so many ways, and I want it to succeed, but every time I work on a model in it, I run into something like this. I love the bug where hidden sketches will just stay on the screen sometimes, and the only way to change that fact is to close the app and reopen.

This isn’t about grand pronouncements or ultimatums, but my god am I frustrated by an app I want to spend all my time using

Have you try to select your sketch and c choose Unlock in Constraint panel

if you look at the screenshots you will see lock/unlock is greyed out. It is not locked as far as I can tell

Can you upload just the sketch here ?

If someone can explain how to export just the sketch, everytime I try export to Shapr3D I get everything

You can send the Shapr file, that will include the sketch.

FYI the purple outlined sketch version is a projected linked sketch, those can’t be turned.

Sending the Shapr3d file is not an option

And just for the sake of completeness, though I’ve done this many times in the past: it does not work with the blue version either.

I am sure there is a perfectly innocent reason, or it is just a bug, but it is not easy to find. And that is a failing of the program

If it’s blue Sketch you can change sketch plane.

If that doesn’t work its most likely some bug.

This is not a bug, it’s normal operation of the Constraints as I said above.

What constraint? Where? How can I see it? Again go back to my comment about the UX not being the best.

for infos : Constraint-Settings

Yes I did that, it gives me no information about any constraints.

here a mini video >