Favorite history step list

The problem that this feature will solve:

Fast design adaption with a long history step list

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

We can mark a history step with a long press or a star button beside as a favorite step that show us above the begin of the normal history in a favorite list. We can access very fast our favorite parameters without searching the hole history. This allow us to change design very fast.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

It is very annoying to search in a long history for step of course if i changed the name of some steps.

Have you noticed that if you seelct somethign only those steps will be visible that are related to your selection?

Yes, of course. My thought was more that I would have a list where I could quickly find parameters that were important to me without having to select them in the model. In my case steps that have a bigger impact on the model more than to change the value of a fillet or something.

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Variables are coming soon.