Feature Request - Are there any plans to add collaboration features?


I am just wondering if there are any plans to add collaboration features similar to how you can have multiple people editing a document in Microsoft Word. Is this possible at all? It would be very helpful in a team setting like the one that I work in and being able to work on the same model as someone else on the team in real time would be SUPER helpful.

Is this on the roadmap any time in the near future?



I am also very interested in having this ability!

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Hello - it is on our mid-long term roadmap. We see more and more teams using the app, so eventually we will be having a feature, that will help collaboration. Don’t have an ETA yet, though

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Hi @DanielR! Any news on the collab functions? We are working across home-offices, so being able to work on the same drawings together would be essential!

Hi @EventHorizon , welcome to the community. Can you tell us a bit more about how you’d like to collaborate with your team?

Hi, I’m aware this is an old thread but are there still plans to add collaboration? It is a feature which is being sorely missed.

I am also late to this thread, but think this would be a great feature to add. Currently, I am having to export and import to work with a colleague.

Is this still on the mid or long term goals?

Yes. What kind of collaboration features would you like to have in Shapr3D?

Access to a shared Design Space. And ideally a way to organize your designs and know who last edited the model and when. One step up from that would be lite idea of version control by perhaps tagging a model and having the ability to view different tags or versions of the model.

To illustrate these points:

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