History column collapses

Is it just me that finds it bothersome that all expanded in the hierarchical history collapses (closes) at any adjustment (in history). Especially when learning and figuring out how things interact…

If intentionally, how about an option?


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Which platform are you using the beta on? Could you perhaps record a short video of the issue? The expanded/collapsed state should be retained even as you make changes, but there could be some problem in your case.

There’s one problematic issue though: when you use any control that changes the selection (typically the “select” buttons that change the base geometries) we update the selection set to show what was chosen originally and allow you to adjust it. At the same time, we also have a logic that filters the relevant step list based on the current selection to make it easier to find the step you’d want to adjust. These two features clash in an annoying way here: while you’re editing a step, this filtering can be triggered, making you lose your context until you’re done adjusting the selection. Is it possible that you’re encountering this issue?

I can not find any adjustment, numbers/on-off etc, that not collapses everything, tried on iPad same there. For example, adjusting a digit and leaving the input field and staying in column or reordering any action (without conflict) collapses all.

(I do grasp the logic limitations.)

5.470.0 (5817), M2 12.7
5.470.0.5817 #4944246c, Mini5th 16.7


So, it is just me? :cry:

Or am I totally off track in someway?



I see what you see with regard to collapsing.

Even manually collapsing one step will collapse all that you had expanded, you don’t have to make any parameter changes.

That said, I have not had a need to have more than one of those detail sheets expanded at a time. After finding the one I want to change a parameters, I expand it and make my change. Repeat as necessary. I think the only interaction I’ve seen in history as a result of a parameter change is getting a yellow caution warning because some named object isn’t there anymore. And you’ll see that when the step is collapsed.

For the most part, I like the automatic collapsing of the detail sheets when I enter a new parameter. When designs have hundreds of steps, having many detail sheets expanded would be a long list and excessive scrolling in my opinion.

If all history is open and never collapses it would be troublesome. Indeed.

But the opposite, as in the recording; adjusting more that one factor (in one or several ‘sheets’), possibly enjoying visual feedback, is impossible.

The active objet is also lost. So I have to identify it again as object or in the (collapsed) list.

Maybe a collapse (implicit all) to the right; ‘Collapse’ - ‘History’ - ‘Select’. And of course leave the function ‘show a derivate of history by selecting object’ etc intact would be a way to go.

Even manually collapsing one step will collapse all that you had expanded, you don’t have to make any parameter changes.

Not happening for me - and that is good!


I see that as annoying also. Especially when I need to re-edit the same thing again. Or when I want to look at the next step without hunting it down. (Like when I have multiple fillet steps in a row.)

There is currently a bug related to expanding and collapsing of history steps that makes all steps collapse when you’re manually closing them. We will fix it in an upcoming beta update.

When managing multiple expanded steps, you can already use Alt+L and Option+L to collapse all steps in the tree.

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Interestingly that this is not so either on MacOS or iOS for me. But as shown when editing - it is.

Regarding Alt+L and Option+L, dont abandon us (that also) works on iPad only (and even without hover).

Though in my case that keyboard shortcut looks 100% superfluous…


Thank you, we will look into that.