How to make this - lever style button with chamfers

I‘m working on a new case for the Controller of our sun shade.

The original one is pretty brittle and already lost two buttons and the clips that hold the PCB in place are mostly broken. It consists of two parts, one mounted to the wall and one that hold the PCB and can be taken away from the wall mount.

The spare part is pretty expensive; around 45€ + shipping, if I remember correctly. And that is just the part that holds the PCB. Of course, realistically Designing it myself is way more expensive but I‘m doing it for the challenge :slight_smile:

I still have to figure some things out and maybe change some parts to have no need of support structures for the printing process. (Or get to know how to selectively place it).
Also how to do Text in Shaper. I found this thread and it sounds promising:

Edit: For now I haven‘t done much PCB-designing, just one that I haven‘t finished yet and is mostly done, Maybe I‘ll finish it some day but that’s a whole other project :see_no_evil: